
Sometimes reading directions isn't enough and you need to see it being done! Here are several tutorials to check out for various techniques.


Bead Animation - check out their free videos on You Tube - Youtube - Bead Animation or visit their site for more (paid classes).

Jewelrymaking Professor - Video home study courses

Beaducation - this site has both free and for purchase instruction videos on a wide-range of topics.

Craft Bits - Jewelry Making Projects

Handmade Jewelry Club

Jewelry Lessons - Tutorials for purchase

Auntie's Beads Videos - another resource of instruction videos covering a variety of patterns and skills.

Firemountain Gems Videos - free jewelry-making tutorials from Fire Mountain Gems.

Beadalon videos - over 100 free instructional videos

How To TV Online - paid subscription service, with beading/jewelry videos and other crafts

E-How - 13 jewelry-making videos

More E-How Videos - Jewelry Making Video Series

The Beading Emporium - tutorials on a variety of techniques

E-Mail Beading Courses - from About.com, includes stitching classes as well as


Wire-wrapped Rings

Beaded Wire Rings

Pearly Dangle Ring

Make Your Own Earwires - 1

Make Your Own Earwires - circular

Making Pendants

Wire-wrapped Earrings

Soft Flex's Free Pattern of the Day


Elastic Rings

Elastic Bracelet

PMC/Art Clay

Art Clay Silver - with Barbara McGuire

Antique and Rainbow Finishes on PMC clay


Carol's Peyote Stitch Videos - for purchase video

Yarn Barn - for purchase videos

Beltana's Beads - stitching tutorials, Peyote, Rope Chain and more

Free Beading Lessons - from About.com - list of stitches and other techniques


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