I'M SORRY. SOMETHING HAPPENED TO THE LIST AND IT IS GONE. Unfortunately, I did not have a backup.
I love to buy beads. I also love getting a great deal on beads!
I've searched the web and found almost 100 places to buy beads online so far! I've visited every one one of these sites and looked around at what they have to offer. As is typical with any item, some have better prices than others. But some have a better selection than others. It all depends on what you're looking for, and what you're willing to pay for it.
My criteria for certain items is knowing what the best prices are, and what I've paid for things in the past so I have an average price in my head that is reasonable to me. I know what I've paid for pearls and gemstones at bead shows, and although you can't always find maybe that exact deal all year round, you CAN find some pretty good deals online, if you look for them. In looking at these sites, I've found that the best prices on crystals (using 5301 bicones at 144/pk as an example) anything under $12 is a good price. Some sites offer free shipping, some offer volume discounts.
So if you're ready to go shopping online, take a look at my online bead store database. If you are looking for a certain type of item you can search for it in the "Products" field and narrow down the list of stores.
Your feedback is much appreciated! If you'd like to let others know of your experience with any store, or if you just have comments in general, please use the Comments section to post feedback!
If you know of an online bead store that should be added to this list, you can add it instantly! In order to do so, please become a member (it's free) of The Beader's Resource Guide. If you don't want to join but have a store you'd like to recommend, just post a comment and I'll get it added.
*important to note - I've listed mainly US stores, some in Canada, China and India that offer shipping to the US.
I'd definitely recommend beadwholesaler! The website is www.beadwholesaler.com and it has free shipping. They focus on swarovski, sterling silver & gold filled findings, tierra cast, and tons of gemstones!
Thanks for the recommendation for Beadwholesaler. I've added them to the list. :)
I must have been browsing the internet with my eyes closed not to have seen this amazing beading resource!
I own Big Bead Little Bead - an online bead and jewellery making supplies shop based in the UK and I like to think we have put together a few guides worthy of note ( /guides_and_information/index.php ) but just not to this degree!
I'm off camping this weekend and rain is forecast so plenty of time to have a good look around with the iPad! Expect a link exchange request when I get back as I am sure our customers would be interested in following this wiki.
All the best Anna
Hi Anna,
Thank you so much for your nice comments! I have wanted to update this resource for a while with new things I've come across, but just have not had the time. Between making jewelry, trying to sell jewelry and working a full-time job (and an addiction to Pinterest) at the same time, making jewelry usually wins out over anything else so I never get around to maintaining this like I had hoped.
I hope the rain stopped and you had a great time camping. But if not, I hope you found a lot of great beading info here or just on the web. :)
And I've added your shop to the list!
Thanks again,
I love this, so much information and great advise. Please have a look at www.contempbeads.com Contemporary Beads and Castings. Wholesale and manufacturer of pewter beads, charms and components. Factory in USA and also offer custom made items including personalized tags for jewelry.
If you like good quality beads and not the cheap ones, you can try Fine Gems Canada in Montreal Canada.
They have a large selection of semi-precious beads and the customer service is pretty good. I don't know if they ship to the united states or not but you can take a look at their website by making a search on Fine Gems Canada
abc-depot.com wholesale prices and you don't have to buy bulk ;)
This is a great resource. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Another great online store for high quality gold-filled and silver beads, crimps, connectors, clasps, and chains is Plazko.com. Another great thing about Plazko is the free worldwide shipping! Happy beading.
Plazko.com - Beads and Findings for Less
Hi i cant seem to find yourbonline bead store database liscan you teĺl me how to find itb
I can't find your list of online bead sellers. It looks like it should be on the page named "Buying Beads Online," but the section where they should be listed states "To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame." Is there a way that I can actually see the list? I have joined, but will probably delete my membership if I can't read any of your content. Thanks for your help.
Hi. I'm sorry. I rarely ever update this resource guide anymore but didn't want to remove it in case I wanted to reference something I have out here. When I came out here a year or so ago to move the lists into a facebook group, I noticed it was gone. I have no clue why, how or when that happened. Unfortunately I didn't have a backup either. It's gone. And it was a good list, too. :(