
哪里可以办理假银行存款单▅▆▇【+威信;3267—4918】▇▆▅办理假存单/存折专业原.版制作,定制各大银.行存.单存.折等其他,欢迎咨询,广东“文旅热”带动住宿餐饮业加速回暖,广州4月5日电 (记者 孙秋霞)今年以来,广东文旅市场复苏势头明显,各地迎来旅游小高峰,带动住宿餐饮业加速回暖。



3月20日,广州市荔湾区,粤剧华光祖师像銮舆巡游活动在永庆坊举行。图为龙虎武师表演醒狮。中新社记者 陈楚红 摄





3月27日,佛山南海区,位于千灯湖畔的灯湖西街夜市吸引食客。中新社记者 孙秋霞 摄



The Mission of the Beader's Resource Guide:

The mission of the Beader's Resource Guide is simple. It was born out my passion for creating handmade jewelry, and my dream in selling what I make. I decided to take these 2 interests and put them together to form a comprehensive online resource for bead related information of all kinds. I've spent hundreds of hours scouring the web looking for beading resources - from places to buy beads, to how I can make my own, to how I can sell what I've made. This website is a compilation of all of the information I've found so far, made available to every other beader and jewelry designer looking for the same information. Maybe I'll save you some time looking on your own!

About the Information in The Beader's Resource Guide

What this site is:

Number 1, it's definitely a work in progress that can only get better with input from you - all the other beaders out there who can help me add more and more to keep it growing! Number 2, I want it to be a useful resource for beaders, a one-stop hub for information on anything and everything a jewelry designer could possibly look for, and to become an online beader's community where we can network and learn from each other. I hope that it becomes everything I dream it can be!

What it's not:

Number 1, while I hope to help, meet, inspire, share and network with other bead addicts, this site is specifically designed as a beader's resource…and not to sell jewelry. I've come across other sites or groups on places such as Facebook, etc. where there are tons of people who have come together (which is a good thing) but they are also trying to market their jewelry (which yes, I of course want to do as well). But if you ask me, it's kind of like preaching to the choir! What we need to do is market to people looking to BUY jewelry, and buy OUR jewelry. Trying to sell it to each other to me seems pointless! With this in mind…I DO have an idea of something specific to selling jewelry. But I'm going to save that for another day and focus on beader's resources right now. But stay tuned…. Number 2, it's not necessarily a "how-to" make jewelry website per se. I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel here and repeat tips, tools or information that other beaders have so eloquently already put together. So what I'm doing instead is scouring the web for you and posting links to valuable resources and information on a variety of beading topics. Where I AM knowledgeable or feel I have expert information to offer, I will give it! And if YOU are an expert on anything bead-related, please feel free to add your two cents - I welcome you to do so!

My Disclaimer:

I am only responsible for the content on this site. I offer the links to you and the content provided by them is solely owned by the website you will travel to outside of the Beader's Resource Guide. I have no intention of stealing or plagerizing from any other beader or designer - on the contrary, I'm trying to highlight them by referring you to their websites since I consider them to be THE authority on the topic.

All that said….

Please browse through the topics on the left to find something of interest! Enjoy - and please become a member of this site so you can help me build the best resource ever to make this a great place for those who love to bead!


Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License